My £750 PC Build

My £750 PC Build

Seeing as my main gaming rig is also my video editing PC and it now sits in my workshop, I'm in need of a "basic" gaming PC for the living…
Review: Antec PRIZM Matrix

Review: Antec PRIZM Matrix

The PRIZM Matrix from antec is a pretty unique concept. These days pretty much all cases can accept a multitude of fans with the bare minimum on even a small…
Create a PC Stats Display with Raspberry Pi

Create a PC Stats Display with Raspberry Pi

If you’re a PC enthusiast you probably like to keep track of your systems stats while you’re working or playing.

With games this always meant you had to keep an overlay program running, which can get in the way of, you know, actually gaming.

Thankfully it’s shockingly easy to setup a second display to show all this information for you, and all you need is a Raspberry Pi, a compatible screen and about 15 minutes.

Review: TP-Link Archer C5400X

Review: TP-Link Archer C5400X

Appearance This is quite possibly the most ridiculous looking router I've ever seen. I work in the enterprise IT field, so my perception of what a router should look like…
Allow DLNA Devices to Connect to Plex

Allow DLNA Devices to Connect to Plex

Newer versions of Plex Media Server do not allow unauthorised devices to connect to the DLNA server by default.

This can be particularly annoying for devices like HiFi receivers with network connectivity, which are capable of streaming from DLNA servers but have no native Plex app available.

To get around this you can explicitly permit access to devices without the need for authorisation.

The first thing to do is navigate to your Plex Media Server homepage via a web browser, then click the settings menu in the top-tight corner:

Blog Post

Two-Group Mentality

The current pandemic has given me an opportunity to take stock of things, an opportunity which was way overdue it seems. For the last couple of years I've juggled, not…
Help Fight COVID-19 with Folding@Home

Help Fight COVID-19 with Folding@Home

The current COVID-19 pandemic is a terrible thing. Thankfully brains much larger than yours or mine are working tirelessly to understand the virus better and come up with a solution to the problem.

While most of us are sat at home watching Netflix there is an operation under foot to crunch through as muich data as possible in the hope of finding viable treatment options for the virus.

Create A VPN Server With A Raspberry Pi

Create A VPN Server With A Raspberry Pi

If you split your time between two or more countries it can be a real hassle to manage your online life. Not only do you run the risk of triggering security processes employed by banks, etc but it can also be a struggle to use things like online streaming services which you’re paying for or entitled to use.

But did you know you could also be exposing yourself to data theft by 3rd parties using WiFi in places like hotels and shops?

For these reasons and more, it’s relatively easy to setup your own VPN server.

Ultimate Home Server Part 8 – VPN Server

Ultimate Home Server Part 8 – VPN Server

So by now our home server is sharing files to our home network, acting as a media server via Plex, it’s managing all our downloads AND we’re sharing our personal doucments on our own personal cloud. What else is there?

Well, we’re about to set our server up to act as a VPN node, so that we can access it and other resources on our home network while away from the house.