Review: Lenovo Ideapad 330s 15″

Review: Lenovo Ideapad 330s 15″

Lenovo has long been associated with exceptional performance in both the business sector and, to an extent, the gaming sector with it’s Thinkpad and Ideapad lineups.

Case and point my main machine for a couple of years was an Ideapad Y500 gaming laptop, with a Core i7 processor and SLI Nvidia 650M graphics cards.

Review: Corsair K55 Keyboard

Review: Corsair K55 Keyboard

As much as I love a good mechanical keyboard, my wife (or more specifically, her hearing) does not. There’s no denying that even though a good mechanical keyboard is the ultimate typing experience they can generate an ungodly amount of noise.

So, I was despatched to my local IT market with an instruction to buy a quieter keyboard. OK, love, don’t have to tell me twice.

Review: Maiden Audio ED-PH0N3S Headphones

Review: Maiden Audio ED-PH0N3S Headphones

As a life long Iron Maiden fan I was both intrigued and slightly annoyed when I heard that Onkyo had partnered with the Irons legendary founder and bass player, Steve Harris, to produce a pair of Iron Maiden branded headphones. On the one hand I was sure the result would be great, but at the same time I couldn’t help but think that Steve+co were now simply pandering to music execs and lining their own pockets, after all he’s not the first music personality to cash in on their brand and release music accessories (I’m looking at you, Dr. Dre).