Make your iPhone camera actually usable
I’ve found it really hard to start this review over the last few weeks. Not because of any fault with the product, the 3-in-1 lens is a piece of cake to use. The problem has been that the weather has been so bad that I haven’t been able to go out and take any decent photos that actually test it.
This morning I looked at the weather report, and an article about sacrificing a rodent for better weather, and decided that I’d just have to make do with a few indoor-sy shots of the snow outside.
Look and feel
The Olloclip 3-in-1 lens is a nifty little plastic and aluminium affair. It’s designed to slot over the existing lens of your iOS device, in order to compliment the original lens of the built in camera.
On one side of the device you’ll find the Fish Eye lens, whereas the other end houses a Wide Angle and, if you remove the end piece, a Macro lens.

I’ve got to give points to Olloclip for build quality and design. It really does feel well made and comes with individual lens caps and a cloth bag/lens cleaner so that it doesn’t get scratched or damaged in the bottom of your pocket or rucksack.
The version that I’ve been sent is compatible with the iPhone 4 and 4S, as well as with the iPod Touch 4th generation via an included adapter. There’s also a new model available for the iPhone 5, but no support for major Android devices at this time.

It’s also available in “iDevice” white and black colours, or the red version pictured above.