Keep up to date on the Olympics with Medals 2012

Vital stats for three nations to your iOS or Android device.

With the Olympics now less than 100 days away, you best get thinking as to how you’ll keep up to date on the latest info from the games.

If your keen to know who won what, and when they won it, then Medals 2012 for iOS and Android devices could be the free app for you.

The app comes with a host of fun and useful features, including instant access to which athletes have won podium places for every sport along with a complete daily listing for every final event and full medals table.

You’ll also get to pick up to three “home nations”, with your device receiving a push notification when anything of interest happens concerning them.

There’s also Facebook and Twitter integration, so you can share your thoughts on the latest developments with all of your friends.

If you’re lucky enough to have Internet access (or even better, a TV) at work then great!  If not, Medals 2012 could be the best solution for you to keep up to date on the latest from London 2012.

Keep an eye out on the iOS App Store and Android Marketplace, Medals 2012 will shortly be downloadable for free!


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