Chic design in multiple colours.
Sony has today announced an addition to their lineup of VAIO laptops, the E Series 14P.
As you might expect it sports a 14″ screen, with the new models noted as being useful for “everyday multimedia computing” and coming in a variety of colours. All feature the following:
- Stylish new ‘wrap-around’ design with colourful accents
- Enjoy sound loud and clear with xLOUD, Clear Phase and Dolby Home Theatre V4
- Backlit keyboard and large multi-gesture touchpad
- Energy-efficient design with long battery life, performance hybrid graphics and Rapid Wake + Eco
Both the screen brightness and keyboard backlight are controlled by built-in light sensors, ensuring that as little battery power is wasted as possible. We’d assume that you are also able to adjust both manually (or turn off the keyboard backlight should you choose.
The E Series is also one of the first Sony laptops to feature automatic graphics switching, which turns off power hungry graphics chips when they are not needed, instead using a much more frugal integrated graphics chip.
The “generously-sized multi-gesture” touchpad features buttonless clicking – we assume much like the Apple Macbook, though quite how right clicks are implemented on the VAIO isn’t clear. It also supports multi-touch gestures such as pinch-to-zoom and rotating actions.
Sony have also jumped on the motion control bandwagen, with the E Series sporting control via hand gestures picked up by the built in webcam.
Swipe your hand in front of the camera to flick through photos or web pages, move your hand down to pause music, and adjust volume using rotate movements. Supported software that can use these features include Windows Media Player, Internet Explorer 9 and PowerDVD.