Q&A: How can I find out who hosts a website?

I’d like to complain to a website’s hosting company as I believe the site to be illegal

It’s relatively easy to find out which web host is hosting a particular website, there are several tools available for doing so.

One of the best websites that I’ve used for this is Whoishostingthis.com.

Input any site URL into the search field and you’ll get the name of the hosting company, the name of the specific server, the servers IP address and a link to the hosting companies website.  Here’s the result for Tech Made Easy:

From there you should be able to find some contact details for the hosting company and contact them with your concern.

If you have a legitimate concern regarding the legality of the site, you may also want to consider reporting them to your local police force via the NON-EMERGENCY number.  DO NOT call the emergency services under any circumstances, unless you believe that there is a legitimate emergency.


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