Ultimate Home Server Part 8 – VPN Server

Ultimate Home Server Part 8 – VPN Server

So by now our home server is sharing files to our home network, acting as a media server via Plex, it’s managing all our downloads AND we’re sharing our personal doucments on our own personal cloud. What else is there?

Well, we’re about to set our server up to act as a VPN node, so that we can access it and other resources on our home network while away from the house.

How to Upgrade an Ideapad 110s

The Lenovo Ideadad 110S doesn't have much in terms of upgradability, the system board inside is tiny and the measly 2B of RAM is soldered on. What it does have,…
Ultimate Home Server Part 4 – Setting up Network Shares

Ultimate Home Server Part 4 – Setting up Network Shares

Now that we have our RAID array setup and working it would be nice if we could actually STORE some data on our home server. In this part I’m going to show you how you can setup some folders on your array from the command line and then share those folders across your network.

Once this is setup you’ll be able to drag and drop your files from any other Windows, Mac or Linux machine.