Thankfully, in most versions of linux you can use the trusty “Prnt Scrn” key on your keyboard to capture whatever it is your doing.
Thankfully, in most versions of linux you can use the trusty “Prnt Scrn” key on your keyboard to capture whatever it is your doing.
We get a lot of questions asking how best to ensure that your PC remains healthy and virus free.
If your desktop PC is losing it’s date and time settings every time there’s a power cut, then the chances are that it’s internal battery is flat.
These days the market is flooded with in-ear headphones. There are models priced all over the place, from a few pounds right up to audiophile models priced in the hundreds.
Most PC games released these days require that the game disc be in your computers CD/DVD drive in order to play it. It’s easy to see the reason for this, games producers want you to buy and own the game in order to play it, which isn’t unreasonable.
These days computers are everywhere, and more and more that’s beginning to include peoples cars. Believe it or not, it’s often not that hard to achieve and the results mean that you could have a complete media, internet, GPS and communications device all in one box!