Review: RetroFlag NESPi Raspberry Pi Case

For quite a while now there have been a few different ways to program a Raspberry Pi as a a console emulator for some retro gaming action.  The latest version of the Pi at this point (version 3) is a fantastic basis for emulation, with plenty of USB ports, HDMI out and enough processing power to emulate consoles all the way up to the original Playstation with ease.

The downside has always been that the port layout and overall look of the stock Raspberry Pi case don’t really lend themselves to the task, but thankfully the good folks at Retroflag have taken care of both of these issues with their NesPi Raspberry Pi case.

5 Years On: Synology DS412+

5 Years On: Synology DS412+

Back on the old Tech Made Easy site Synology were one of the first manufacturers to offer me any review opportunities, and for six years we continued to work together on reviews, news articles and competitions.  I even got to travel to Old Trafford and sit in on a press conference for DSM 6 and check out some of their latest products, and my Synology branded foam stress cow (an homage to Synology’s UK home in Milton Keynes) still sits on my desk to this day.


While I struggle to get some new content together over the next few days I'm looking back over my more popular YouTube videos and getting them presented here on the…
Why Your Home WiFi Sucks

Why Your Home WiFi Sucks

WiFi has achieved the status of being pretty much ubiquitous with modern life.  Yet you only have to go back a few years and the majority of devices used in the home still had a wired network connection to transmit and receive data.  Unfortunately the truth about WiFi is that it simply can’t offer the performance, range and reliability of a wired network, and there are plenty of reasons why.  Here are a few of them.

Popular Website: Then Vs Now

The web has changed a whole bunch since its inception and rise to prominence in the early 90s.  Major companies were usually pretty quick to register their own domains, even…
Why Your Commercial VPN Solution Sucks For Streaming Video

Why Your Commercial VPN Solution Sucks For Streaming Video

A Virtual Private Network is a great tool that was originally developed to allow remote workers to access their employers IT systems as if they were sitting in their office.  The idea is that through some clever trickery your PC actually appears, for all intents and purposes, to be connected to your office network directly even though you could be literally anywhere else in the world.

Why All of The Photos on Your iPhone Don’t Show up on Your PC or Mac

Damn you Apple and your voodoo magic!

So a friend of my wife asked me why the 13,000 or so photos on her iPhone 5S didn’t all show up when she connected her phone to her computer.  In looking into the problem I actually found I suffered from a similar issue; my phone says that I have 505 photos stored but when I connect it to my PC and try and transfer them over only about 35 photos were showing in the Photos app on my Mac.

After a bit of a search online I found some forum posts that described this actual problem and it turns out there are two seperate issues that can cause this.